Here's one you won't find in the Open Season book. Actually, the image is in the book, but it is a painted version by then-production designer, Michael Humphries. (By the way, he did a beautiful job using traditional media.)
I highly recommend getting the book, I have to say, it is by far the best Making-Of book I've ever seen, it beats out any Disney Making-Of book. Not only is the artwork stunning, but the way the book was packaged, presented and designed is truly a gem. This book is a must see!
I digress, I drew this image as a test. We were trying to figure out how to stylize the edge of water in how it interacted with the shoreline. We were also testing reflections, atmosphere and of course the stylization.
The end result was stunning -- too bad no one other than us in vis dev had a chance to see it. But, if you saw the movie Open Season, you saw the fruits of such exercises and tests.
The image was drawn using graphite on ledger paper.
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