Here's a hand drawn postcard I drew out for a friend. I drew it with ink and marker.
Years ago I used to play this game with my art friends where I would mail them a hand drawn/painted postcard, and they would return in kind. I figured it was a way I could trade art with my art friends, do something productive with my doodles, and have some fun in the process.
Alas, it worked great in theory, but as time went by I realized I was the only one playing. Some would just get busy with life, and the cards would stop coming. A lot of other artists were so self critical, they felt intimidated that their work wouldn't be as nice as what I mailed them, and this would cause them to procrastinate and never send a card. That was the biggest shame, because that was never my intent. I never wanted this game to cause anxiety -- but heck we're nutty artists, I guess we all have hang-ups.
I didn't mind that some cards would get damaged, that was part of the fun. I considered it the patina of having traversed some great expanse. These banged up cards really felt like they had travelled. And, some cards would never get to their destination! Lost in the mail! Or, part of a postman's collection somewhere.
Some cards arrived from far away places, while others were simply from where ever these artists lived. I managed to send a few out while I was on vacation, but most were sent from where ever I was living.
The fun part was mailing cards with different sizes. I got a wooden postcard from one friend. It was hilarious. The simple fact is, if you put enough postage on a rock, you can mail that too!
The postcard game was fun while it lasted. This particular thank-you card was an opportunity to hand draw out a post card like the ol' days, and send it along. This time, no game -- just a thank-you.
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