My good friend and coworker
Ron Lukas has ventured into the blog-sphere! He's so unbelievably talented, he's responsible for much of the amazing color on Surf's Up, and now Hotel Transylvania.

Ron studied under
Sergei Bongart, the famed Russian painter. And, several years later Ron would have his own school in Washington State where he himself taught painting. But, fortunately for us, Ron transitioned into the world of animation -- lending his expert eye to help with color.
Ron's mastery (and I don't use that word lightly) of traditional painting has enabled him to become one of the top artists in animation today. But his talent and contributions don't stop there, his visual development and design drawings are simply amazing. His drawings and illustrations have that rare quality of that bygone era of Dulac, Bauer and Rackham.
Ron Lukas has set up a portfolio blog, and I'd like to invite all of you to come and take a look. Ron is perhaps one of the most accomplished artists in the animation industry today.
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