I was looking for some images from Open Season, in order to add them to a presentation I'm going to be giving in Turin Italy at
The View Conference on Tuesday, October 14th between 10:00 -- 11:00am.
On the 13th, I'll be teaching a workshop between 9:30--11:30am. The workshop will be on
Storytelling with a Visual Vocabulary.
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In 2003, at Sony Pictures Animation, we were still trying to figure out how to create digital animated movies. In these designs I was building assets that were later used in a test using Maya. I did a series of drawings that we used as digital cards, in order to plan a camera move and track our camera.The cards were later replaced by digital assets as they were created.
In the beginning at Sony Pictures Animation, we were in the process of having to invent techniques that would later become a staple at the studio. Much of what we did was a mix of analog and digital. I provided drawings, and Michael Humphries painted them. Much of the paintings Michael did were also analog. He painted his work in acrylic paint, and had a whole series of painting techniques to accommodate the textures.
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Once completed, our digital painters emulated what Michael Humphries was able to do with paint, and likewise with the digital models. The result was spectacular as is evidenced by the movie.
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That's a doodle of my youngest daughter there among the foliage. |
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