I've just finished the latest booklet on my figure drawing Fractal Method. Whereas the first book discusses the basics of the Fractal Method, this second book discusses balance, and proportions. In total, it will be 32 pages.
These aren't human anatomy books, but rather books describing the method in which I draw. It's a method I developed to hone my design skills. It's a designer's approach to drawing.
This is much more useful for designers than the traditional approach to figure drawing. Painters have their method of drawing, fine artists have their method, now designers have the Fractal Method.
The reason I didn't include anatomy lessons in these books is because I think the study of anatomy should be independent from design. That's why I don't go into a break down of muscles and muscle groups, instead what you get is a concentration of rhythm and movement, the core elements of design.
This book will be ready for sale at CTN. I'll also let everyone know when I get come copies off to Stuart Ng.
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