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Jed's Request


Here's a five minute figure drawing in charcoal.

Jed Henry had asked that I take some of my figure sketches out of my newsprint pads and let them see a little bit of the light of day.


Mark Behm said...

Wow, such gesture and personality.

Alexiev said...

Good art work...

Best wishes from Buenos Aires...
Alexiev Store

Cookedart said...

Glad you did!

Anonymous said...

Great! So simple and confident, beautiful drawing Marcelo!

Anonymous said...

nice mood! Really beautiful!

Tatevik Avakyan said...

Beautiful work! I hope you will post more.

Shuku said...

Oh, those -lines-...such a lovely evocative back. In five minutes! Now I want to start drawing more again, I've slipped up so much since things got crazy with work and competitions...

Please do post more, these are -gorgeous-!


Unknown said...

Beautiful figure drawing!! More please!! :)

Bryce Collins said...

one day, ill be able to do this in five minutes.. :)

Jed Henry said...

Wonderful variation on the lines that run down her torso, hips, and legs. They're never identical in rythm, but they still play off each other. brilliant.


Anonymous said...

5 Minutes????!!

Wow M. -Beautiful .

Marcelo Vignali said...

Thanks everybody. I'll see if I can dig up a few more of these when I get back to the office. I'm on vacation right now, enjoying a bit R&R.

JeN said...

Hey Marcelo! Beautiful drawing and only 5 minutes! It takes me 5 minutes just to figure out how I want to hold the charcoal. :) Such confident lines.
Thanks for stopping by my blog too. It doesn't seem like there are as many lightning bugs here as when I was young. Perhaps we caught them all. Enjoy the rest of your vacation!

Francis Vallejo said...

Maaan! This is tremendously tremendous. I'm lucky to have the opportunity to do daily figure drawing this semester so I'm going to remember this drawing in the back of my head when I'm gesturing. Any more??
take care,

Philip Dimitriadis said...

Great...nice weight in the pose. Really nice... only 5...
.. very impressive!!

David Colman said...

thank god someone convinced you to do so....

always a pleasure to see your figure work

stephen Silver said...

Fantastic Mo, keep those things coming.