Brother Bear "Character Designs"

When I was working on Brother Bear, I was asked to draw a lot of animal designs. I hesitate to say character designs, because I wasn't given the task of designing any one character in specific, but rather the Disney wanted to pick my brain as to how I would design the animals in this world.
The drawings I did would then be interpreted by the animators, and that version was the final version we saw on the big screen.
Here's my take on the bears. I was surprised and flattered to see that my design for the baby bear ended up pretty close to what the final result was for Coda.
I drew these out with ink and Pantone marker. These were drawn on lazer print paper because the marker ink sits on the surface of the paper, instead of being dulled by absorbing into the paper.
Beautiful stuff Marcelo!...The bears, and especially your figures have a nice dynamic energy to them. I look forward to spending time wandering through your blog being inspired.
Also thanks for stopping by, and for the comment.
Wow. I love how you describe shapes. I love the arms/shoulders/chest of the big bear especially.
I just can't believe that they're markers!
Beautiful indeed.
Unbelievably wonderful. really love the break down of shapes with in the overall shape yet still keeping it very realistic. Really cute interaction as well.
These were such an inspiration to all of us working on Brother Bear. A perfect combination of characature, structures and rhythms.
Thanks for posting.
Beautiful! Particulary shapes and shadows.
Oh, wow... that is gorgeous! I love it, man.
Your designs are absolutely amazing! Your comment about the difference between "character" design and "animal" design is especially insightful.
Wow!! Just wow!! Please post more :)
You suprisingly draw!
Marcelo I -adore- those bears. So energetic! There's this blocky, dynamic, -big- sense of solid to them. They're gorgeous!
PS: I saw a knitted, felted pumpkin that reminded me of Pumpkin Boy!
amazing marcelo! great post on the bears.
Thanks everybody for your comments. I've got a few of these bears that I plan on posting.
Oh, poor Pumkin Boy. I bought a body of a scare crow that is similar, and I have to make the head. Gloria has been telling my wife that Pumpkin Boy is coming this Halloween! I've got to get it together and stitch that thing up as best I can.
I had to come back again Marcelo. This piece is something special.
Those bears are lovely! Beautiful:)
Amazing work Marcelo. I really enjoy your drawings from the Brother Bear book.
Hey Marcelo!
Love this concept, the attitude of the characters is so cute!
Good job you made with the pantone markers, when I was working on Marla I found out the same about the lazer paper, the ink really flies on it, while with the normal paper sometimes is tricky to shape the volumes..
By the way I'm finally settled in my new apartment in Turin with Alf, we are happy italians again! :D
Talk to you soon and take care!
Wow your work is amazing and inspiring to say the least.
Fantastic and totally aweinspiring work! Brother Bear is really a wonderful movie, one of the few underrated animated movies.
Really interesting and attractive bears man. I can totally feel the sculpted forms and weight. Also is the size contrast adds another powerful element to the pose. Do you sculpt in any medium?
Great work; subscribed
Greetings!To me it is very pleasant,that you have written in Russian.I very much appreciate your words,your prise!It would be desirable to draw!Thanks!
Leonardo, yes, I sculpt, but I unfortunately I don't do it enough.
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