
OK, I feel terrible about this, but still trying to protect my images with a watermark. It probably won't make that much of a difference to someone with photoshop knowledge -- an easy fix -- but rather a nuisance to would-be bootleg printers.
OK, that disclaimer out of the way, here's an image of a figure done with marker on paper. I like it when the marker starts to dry out just a bit, because then it allows a little bit of modeling. I'm not as bold as
Marcos Mateu! who can knock-out his beautiful sketches with a fully loaded marker. If Zorro had a drawing counterpart, it would be Marcos.
Hey! I'll say the moment I saw your drawing, and before I read the text, I instantly thought... 'this is just -getting better-'. And I don't know how you do it but man, but it's true.
(thanks for the link btw! :))
Gorgeous!!! Was this from your head or did you make it out to a model session?
Wow great drawing! Haha and yeah, true about Marcos.
Beautiful drawing! Wow!
This makes me wabt to go lifedrawing... awesome sketch!
Have you had issues from people stealing and printing your work?
If so, that sucks and they have good taste.
Great drawing! wow really nice
Marcelo, for some reason I always related Marcos with Zorro as well!!! :D
Your drawing is beautiful, the line is so elegant and vibrant but speaks solid shapes.
Take care,
Really great Marcelo! I've alway loved your line work. :)
Thanks everyone, I appreciate the comments.
Kendra, this was from life.
Jeff, it's a reality. And, now with the Orphan Works act Congress had been threatening to pass, I'm trying my best to make my work difficult to "orphan."
Great sketch Marcelo, the dried marker gives a very nice texture.
this is SOOO good! love the marker look:)
Hi marcelo, it looks so sketchy and smooth. i like it.
that's a real beauty. The ink drying out gives it a conte like quality
Beautiful sketch. Im enjoying your iphone sketch app btw. Wheres the life drawing sketch app?
Beautiful!! I can't tell it's marker, how do you do that? The lines feel so loose and spontaneous!
Thanks Zorro!
Kendra, it was drawn from a model.
Hans, Amanda, Mike, Ale, Andrew, Trevor, Gaur, Craig, Billy, Alina --thanks.
Jeff, yeah image storehouse companies have been trying to get copyright free access to stuff on the web, and have been lobbying congress to create a fair search type of clause that would allow them to print your work without your consent -- provided they claim they posted your work on their site in order to find you. And, if you don't claim authorship during that period of time you lose your copyright.
It's called the Orphan Works Act, which is baloney because there are multiple image storehouses with millions (if not billions) of imagery to sort through. There's no possible way you or I could sift through their billions of images catalogues on a routine basis in order to defend your copyright.
Also, every image you post would have to be registered in order to be protected, which would come at the cost of a fee -- to one of these image storehouses no less.
It's pretty rotten, so I put my copyright into my images in order to make it useless to would-be copyright infringers. I figure if it takes a would-be copyright infringer five or ten minutes to remove my copyright in order to claim it is "orphaned," they'll simply move onto another image and not hassle with me.
Excelente esa chica de humo, marcelo!
always love your marker and brush pen figure drawings..... I remember watching you draw "michael" the real tall skinny bushy haired fellow when we had figure drawing in the middle of that office row next to cubicles in the imageworks building. What an amazing space... he he he. Anyway, real pleasure watching you finesse such tone out of a dying brush pen.
My friend you still amazing me with the ease of the drawings. Good trick and even better draftsmanship.
See. . . I can't even spell or talk after looking at your work.
lovely ,lovely, work since i last visited your space,
i esp love your faces in the sketchbook aap!
added you as well:)
a fan since i saw ur interview :)
hi sir ...beautyful drwings ur ...
beautiful fluidity to the lines! I always liked using a dried out Prismacolor marker because the chiseled tip allows a nice thick to thin brushlike quality.
On the topic of finding where your images have been used on the net. One way is to use a reverse search engine like Tineye:
As long as your file has not been renamed, it does a good job of finding matches.
Thanks Pablo, David, Mark, Abhishek, Shamil and Marc.
Thanks for buying my App Abhishek and watching the interview.
Thanks for the tip Marc.
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