Sketchclub Sketches

I decided I would dust off the watercolors during our weekly Sketchclub gathering. I painted these during my lunch hour.
I really enjoy painting on these buckslips. The paper texture and weight on these buckslips is perfect.
In earlier days at Sony, the studio had these made for one of our directors -- complete with his name at the bottom of the buckslip. But, when he left the studio, he left behind a stack of these. They laid around the studio for a few years when I discovered them. I quickly grabbed them, took them to the paper cutter and cut the name off the bottom, and have been steadily working my way through the stack of buckslips. Gosh, I don't know what I'll do when I run out!
Sweet-send me are awesome
truly inspirational, Marcelo!
Cool designs - hope to see them scanned much bigger
Those are great! The day I was not able to show up for Sketch Club is the day you use watercolors.
sooo good! you make it look so effortless ;]
These are phenomenal Moe!
great work as always is your sketchclub some where in culver city?
man these are great!
Wow you went old school on me sir. I love seeing your watercolor sketches most of all. The texture of the paper can never replace digital.
Ha, when you first started talking about buck slips I envisioned kinky attire in the animal kingdom. Now I get it.
These are nice water colors. The guy on the left looks like that art director from England. Is he still at Sony?
-you have nicely manicured nails for an ex boxer.
These are wonderful! Love the tattoo on the guy!! ^_____^
Thanks Omar, Geoff, Mauricio Kendra, Marcos, Erik and Alina.
Luis, sorry -- I didn't do that on purpose! I'm going to stick with the water colors for a while and see what happens.
Angelo, yes, we meet up in Culver City, just a walk from the studio.
Biv, you got that right. It just isn't the same for me either, nothing can replace going "old school."
Ted, no Shardlow left some time ago. He's somewhere in Pasadena with his own studio gallery. BTW, thanks for comment about my nails...I had a lot of problems with my hands while boxing, the ref kept stepping on them.
awesome watercolor sketches!^^
beautiful watercolors!
Marcelo, your work is awsome! I remember DIC and agree with you about the WFRR movie, it was good enough without the adult humor.
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