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'Nuther Handdrawn Postcard...

Since we're on the theme of hand drawn post cards, here's another one I did just recently.

A friend of mine here at work, Omar Smith, recently went to Mexico. So, I managed to talk him into sending me a card from there. And, in return, I sent him this one.

It's ink and marker.


Todd Oman said...

yeah go ahead and mail one of these out to me anytime haha.

Hans said...

Hey Marcelo,

Happy New Year and thanks for stopping by. Nice to know I still have some visitors on my blog:) I actually have some new stuff I'll start posting soon. I've been working on a new and improved portfolio that should be wrapped up and ready to send out this weekend. I HAVE to make it to Cali this year!! Are you still at Sony?

Love your postcards! Would be cool to have a whole collection of those.

Hope all is well,


Pinflux said...

That is wonderful! Crazy proportions! :D

Foom Spectacular said...

Superb blog. Great style.

Pinflux said...

Thanks for the kind comment Marcelo :)

Sean Galloway said...

Heya, Moe!
What I am really diggin alot about this one is, although not all the lines are there, the form is recognizable. Brilliant, bud!

Jed Henry said...

Your cards are great! I love the balance of solid, evocative figure drawing, and bold graphic appeal of the ripples.

We named our baby Nohealani (and call her Nohea for short). My wife is half Samoan, so we went with a Polynesian name.


Ivan Oviedo said...

Hi Marcelo,

I love your works, comgrats, is very much inspiration.

Mónico Chávez said...

Awesome! My friends used to send a sketchbook around, but that just got so $$$. Haha. Should switch over to postcards! Love how pushed the body is.

craig said...

great caricature and distortion. Sweet pose too! gotta say any time I see something like "super secret project 9000"..hopefully you'll be able to share soon!

Chris Bivins said...

really cool marcelo. i love the sketchy quality of the lines in this one. please keep 'em coming

Ken Chandler said...

Marvelous work Marcelo!
I used to do something very similar, only on envelopes. A friend of mine cut up a detergent box and wrote on the paper side, included postage and away it went. Good memories. Thanks for sharing your work with us. Amazing stuff!

Marcelo Vignali said...

Thanks everyone for your comments. I'm glad you liked the drawing.

Todd, I left my mailing address in the last post. If you want to send me something...

Hans, it's nice to see you back. I'm still at Sony, drop by for some sketchclubbing.

Pinflux, there was a period where I would do all my figure drawings with extreme distortions, but have since pulled back to more normalized proportions again. I guess this one started going in that "crazy" direction.

Jed, congrats! What a beautiful name. There's no greater joy or responsibility in life than our children.

Monico, we tried that too, and it did get expensive. The results didn't go as I might have hoped either. The postcard game seemed easier to manage, and less of a commitment.

Chris, there was a time when I tried to get my linework as clean and crisp as possible, now fight myself to NOT draw things with a clean and crisp line. Go figure.

Ken, if you still have some of those, you should post them. I'd like to see them.

Anonymous said...

inspiring beauty

Unknown said...

Love the exaggerated form and inking style, absolutely beautiful!And the one below is lovely too ... the water pattern adds to much in the design!

Anonymous said...

este hada, aunq a primera vista parezca canija, tiene algo especial, no se q es pero me llama la atencion

Will said...

very cool!